It is the first Malayalam show to be remade in five languages ( Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi and Hindi). The show had highest TRP rating in the beginning and towards the last season rating decrease which force the channel to stop the serial.
Finally Season 4 portrayed the story of Muthu (Abhiram-Bala's daughter) played by Baby Kezhiya retaining the same cast of previous season. Darshana Das and Rini Raj plays the lead role in season 3 which dealt the trials and tribulations of Balamol and Podimol (Daughter of Jayachandran and Kanya). Renu Soundar and Akshara Kishor played the lead role of season 2 which portrays on the story of Balamol (Daughter of Dr.Balachandran and Karthika). Karuthamuthu started off with story of a black-skinned lady, her life tribulations and story with Kishor Satya and Premi Viswanath in the leading cast. It is the second longest running television soap opera in Malayalam television completing successful telecasting for five years with 1,450 episodes and four seasons. 'Black pearl') was a 2014 Indian television Malayalam language series, which premiered on 20 October 2014 on Asianet channel.